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The following conversation was channelled by Gregory and The White Cloud group regarding the time experiment that happened in 1943 known as the Philadelphia Experiment. The following conversation was transcribed from our Podcast show, Journeys into Consciousness hosted by Ian Jones. If you haven’t heard of this experiment it’s worth doing a Google search on the subject or even renting the film on DVD, that was released originally back in 1980’s.
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Ian: Can you tell us about the Philadelphia Experiment. It’s a crazy but apparently true film about a time worm hole that was created between the years 1943 and 1983. There is also a lot of literature on the internet from whistleblowers coming forward saying this was in fact a real event, even using Tesla technology.
Gregory: Yes that’s right, quite correct.
Ian: It's a tragic story because after the ship vaporised, or de-materlised, when it came back, a lot of the sailors were out of phase with this reality and ended up being embedded in the bulk of the ship.
Gregory: Yes that's right and in actual fact they had gross problems with themselves as well.
Ian: Some of them were even fading in and out of reality, even days later.
Gregory: Yes that's right.
Ian:There is even an alleged story of Sailors from the ship having a punch up in a bar days later, and during the fight several witnesses saw one of the sailors actually fade out and disappear for good.
Gregory: Yes, because their cell structure actually became unstable, because parts of their entuitive state, that is to do with their microbiology of their living condition-if you like. The exact same thing if you put two cells together and you see the spark of life is exactly the same as that kind of intent, and that is something that moves throughout the permeability of all biological beings. So that when you see a being and they are complete, then the being is completely knitted together.
However, when a person has been fractured in some way due to some timeline situation or an event off world, then it tends to be that the being’s cell structure or their binding is torn apart.
Ian: Did the ship actually go through time, because they’re suggesting that it punched a hole between 1943 and 1983. And allegedly there was another experiment that happened in 1983 that the time vortex became linked to.
Gregory: Yes. That's right, but the point is, part of it worked, but it's like an ongoing experiment still in the mix. They are still waiting for part of it to return.
Ian: Yes. To be honest it's mind blowing.
Gregory: Well, it was actually a mistake. In a sense created by accident. They were trying to do a certain thing which would then be measured and then controlled, ultimately by those taking part in the experiment, but in actual fact it went further than they thought it would. They shouldn’t have started with something as large as that. It would have been completely different if they had used something much smaller, but they didn't.
Ian: Yes. So is there a natural 40 year cyclic thing going on where reality or the fabric of time and space linked these two events together, basically linking the time experiment in the 1940's to the one in the 1980's?
Gregory: Not necessarily my dear friend, it really would depend upon the actual matrix of instruments and mechanism involved at the time. That's the point, in order to break into it.
Ian: Yes
Gregory: So as Nikola Tesla had done a great many experiments using different forms of radio wave technology, as that was his precursor in fact, that was his main interest all the way through his later development. It was in actual fact to bring about the right kind of a particular energy that would enable energy to be transferred from one sphere of life to another and in that respect it would be possible to actually move energy en masse from one place of life to another and even through one time to another. So that's like, in the way of generation of energy as well.
Ian:Yes, so has it created a rip now through the fabric of time?
Gregory: Not something that is unstable and not something that is still obvious. I understand however that the mechanism still exists to enable that kind of situation to continue and I believe that there are still experiments now taking place.
Ian: The other thing is, they’re also suggesting that two of the sailors got thrown into 1983 and they are in current day now? And they’re the ones that have told the story. Is that true?
Gregory: Yes, I understand so.
Ian: Do they age really quickly or do they just continue ageing as normal in this timeline?
Gregory: Well the problem that actually happens to them is that parts of their body are at different speeds. So they will be undergoing at various different times of their lives, very different and strange effects from the situation that they went through because of the various parts of their biological metaphysical state is actually inherent within it, so it's like, partly you have metaphysical particles and then you have actual physical biological state which is at difference to the other altered parts of it. So it's like you have two beings in one or even three beings in one and that there are different parts of the cell activity which are appearing at odds at times , when they are out of flux.
Ian: This raises so many really mad questions. It's like me being here now and the future is unwritten but if I'm suddenly thrown through a time vortex , 40 years in to the future then I'm now witnessing 40 years ahead and there are people still living and doing stuff, but also in that moment there are still people living in the 1940's when I left?
Gregory: Yes that' right. And in actual fact, if they were to return to their time period, then who is to say how their cells or their biological state or their own internal clock would then fair with that kind of experience. Part of the reason why it is, that when you are as a physical person then having timeline delays or timeline situations which are at variance with your ordinary understanding of time, then simply, for exam

ple then, when you’re having dream state reality, oftentimes what happens is you move through time in order to accommodate various different realities and to go on certain journeys which are actually through the fabric of psychical life but that you can experience as a form of automated experience. So that for example, you might actually be travelling past the Earth onto a different planet and that you’re actually doing that, but the experiences of movement through time is not at a constant. So it's not that you experience it as a constant but that it's like, you miss frames, you jump through certain forms of time that in a sense means that you suddenly leap onto another part of the experience. It's not something that's gradual because linear time doesn't exist in the spirit world.
Ian: Is time more like a three dimensional landscape?
Gregory: It's a five dimensional landscape.
Ian: We see space as three dimensional but you’re saying time is five dimensional?
Gregory: Yes. That's absolutely so. That's right. So it’s in different directions, in different parameters and it affects you in different ways as a physical being. So that's part of the reason why you remember dear friend, when I'm talking about the law of proximity and how it is very difficult for human minds in the mindset, even of those who are religiously excited or are in their completely perfect religious experiences however they are depicted within them.
But actually what they are moving through, is that they are still failing to adapt to the law of proximity which actually dictates certain specifics about the laws of time and the barriers in-between physical life and what time is and how you can then move into different worlds and yet still experience it as a form of sanity, if you like.
So oftentimes, what tends to happen with humans beings is that once they move or leave the actual physical time present, that they become disjointed, that they become---it's very difficult to remain balanced of mind when you have moved through such experiences, and that's why oftentimes it's very difficult for people to relate then, their transference through the field of time and how that actually relates to them. Part of the reason as well, why human beings in the physical state find it quite difficult to relate to moments of life within all eternity when they move within a different experience or within a different existence, and that it seems so personal that it has to be always them or that they were some other experience rather than it being actually part of their own personal journey.
Ian: So at the moment my physical body is in space/time but as you flip over you go into time/space and then you enter some kind of void and then flip back into another space/time?
Gregory: Well yes quite so, the point is, that of course when you reflect upon the fact that your spirit is constantly in the aether world, it never comes into the physical life. So in part you are already at least a four or five dimensional being in any event. It's just a matter of whether you can make contact as a physical being with that spirit aspect of yourself, therefore giving you this two further added dimensions, and in fact there are even more dimensions than that if you really let go.
But that doesn't mean letting go and then feeling fear, it means that what you actually have to do is let go of the fear of your complete response, so you must not fear, that by doing this you will then pass to the spirit world. That's not the case, because you’re always going to be tethered regardless of what happens.
Ian: If the technology was available in the 1940's to do this, to punch a hole into time/space and for people to be thrown into the future. There must be future timelines where technology is surpassed what we have today where people are able to control that experiment and therefore able to move through time in a much more controlled safe way?
Gregory: Yes I understand that but the point is, you are using the situation on a balance of probability that there is some person who is completely deranged or lost the plot as you would say, that wants to go and continue and to investigate that as a form of situation that would then be either useful or useful to those who have power over humanity, the point is that in this respect it may well have been that it was something that was ostracised and kept out of humanity for the sake of its own state of realisation in fact.
Ian: You could imagine the scenario, I have seen films on this where you could have time tourists, people that want to come back in time to view events, I guess similar to what I was saying with the Mothman Prophecies.
Gregory: Time Voyeurs?
Ian:Exactly, Yes people coming back to witness events that are Earth Shattering or historic. And there is an interesting picture on the Internet recently where it showed a photograph of a bridge being reopened in New York that was flooded, and it showed all the people in the photo as typical New Yorkers in suits wearing the attire that was more akin to that time period. But there was one chap that appears to come straight out of Now. I don't know if he is or not but it certainly makes you think?
Gregory: Yes, I understand what you are saying.
Ian: You don't agree or don't want to say?
Gregory: No, I don't think that is the case. That people from different countries like to attribute their own field of flare of how they celebrate an event or how they pursue and event.
Ian: It just opens the mind to so many possibilities knowing that an event like that happened?
Gregory: Yes but ultimately it was very detrimental, that’s the point and I understand that from Nikola Tesla's point of view he would never have wanted such an experiment to be brought about.
He didn’t use those situations of sequences of events that he created within his own laboratory for the purpose of such power being utilised really, although he understood it, it was part of the reason in a sense why some of the experiments that he made, he actually destroyed himself. Purely and simply because he didn’t want them to become obvious to others.
Ian: Indeed.
Gregory: But I understand he is still working upon matters to do with using Hydrogen powered vehicles for example and that kind of thing.
Ian: Ok, that's been a deep a topic. Thank you.
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