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In 2009, Maria Savva had the opportunity to become the owner of a property in Sun Street, the main shopping street and a pedestrian precinct in Waltham Abbey. Waltham Abbey is a wonderful community situated by the river in an ancient place of healing and is also at a ley-line node. Two extraordinary events are recorded in history - the finding a miraculous cross which was erected at the Abbey and the healing of Harold's sight, prior to his death at the Battle of Hastings.
Maria was so excited to have her own business in this area of outstanding beauty and historical interest! The property has given Maria the opportunity to open a centre which specialises in mind, body and spirit. Reflexology, aromatherapy, counselling, psychic and mediumship readings, meditation, yoga and tai chi classes are available, and many kinds of workshops for spiritual development and personal growth are offered.
Maria describes her training: “I was a very sensitive and psychic child and, as a young adult, I was very interested in all kinds of spirituality and I attended the College of Psychic Studies and took a variety of courses there. I have gained a wealth of experience learning from, and working with, highly respected and prominent teachers. Over the years, I have also gained qualifications in spiritual healing, Reiki, Aromatherapy and Indian Head Massage. Health is the most important thing in our lives and we often take it for granted.”
Maria says “I am very passionate about creating a special health space in Waltham Abbey which is suitable for anyone who is stressed, grieving or who needs recuperation from illness. I also want to develop the centre so that the very best practitioners and therapists will be attracted to work here and provide health services of all kinds to help our clients t
o develop their abilities and grow in confidence and understanding of themselves and others. I believe we all have many gifts and that doors can be opened and lives changed for the better.”
Maria’s own spiritual journey has provided fascination and mystery. When she visited Egypt on a holiday in 2009 she says “I felt immediately at home and as though I knew and recognised the amazing Gods and Goddesses I saw in the frescos and other paintings. I felt as though I had lived before in this ancient land. Most especially, I had a deep connection with the Isis, Goddess of Healing and Queen of Heaven, with her beauty and kindness to all people, even those who were poor. She is a Goddess of great antiquity and was worshiped in Egypt for thousands of years and her fame spread throughout North Africa and the Middle East, Greece, Rome and Europe. Her name means ‘throne’ and she is often depicted with a small throne as a crown upon her head. I knew that my holistic healing centre would bear her name and it is called ‘Spirit of Isis’ because I decided to incorporate her great love into the ethos of all we do.
On the ground floor, Spirit of Isis stocks beautiful, useful and interesting spiritual items, such as statues, pictures and cards, books, an exquisite range of pure Egyptian perfumed oils and incenses, oracle and tarot cards and jewellery to suit all budgets and tastes, everything from angels, through Egyptian Goddesses and Native Americans to Buddhas. Upstairs, we have a large group room and healing and counselling rooms which are for hire.
The ‘Spirit of Isis’ Healing Centre is at 18a Sun Street, Waltham Abbey, EN9 1EE. Tel: 01992 651045 visit:
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