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My story: Homecoming from Findhorn: Dreams:

By:Barbara Neville
Date: Thu,29 Aug 2024
Submitter:barbara Neville

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My story: Homecoming from Findhorn: Dreams:
The healing from Findhorn has been on-going:
Having been back from inverness for a while the energetic healing has been continuing, on wondering about this, the guides came through and started to tell me how we were getting on.
“Marne’, they call, “this is an update, the waves have become coherent as one, the gyroscope has settled into the prime position over the North Pole and stabilised. You are energetically holding it steady, remember to keep holding, we will remind you”.

Remembering my higher dimensional self is still camped out at the N. Pole as the instruction at Findhorn, it had been one month since coming back from the pole and was told to hold the energy as the solar eclipse, and flares were coming in, they are going to disrupt and penetrated the magnetic field of earth.

The earth healing had got a lot bigger and more complicated than before, it was all to do with the magnetic fields, and the work was relating to the Metatron energy and was directly linked with the north pole where there was so much magnetic activity that aircraft are directed and could not to fly across it as the electronics and compass went of the scale and there was no way to navigate, it is a no-go zone.
The eclipse of the sun is bringing in the new solar flares that will upgrade the golden light energies in our solar system and Gaia.
This means since Jan 21st everything is being upgraded to
the gold Gamma light.
The dream:
Another Trek through the unknown linked to the eclipse:
Just before waking up, a man walked into my room carrying an attaché case, it was leather with a flap and a strap with the symbol of God on it,
He stood in front of me as clear as day, he had the symbol of the Aum tattooed on his cheek, he said “hello” and then left it through me a bit he was so real, like he was just standing there by the bed.

Metatron, Merlin, Jack came in to explain, this man is MongFo, he is working with us and you.
The next time he came, my mum was in my dream and when he walked into the room, my mum questioned me about him, who he was and what is he doing.
“It’s ok mum, I know him, we have met him before, mum left, the man said, “I have brought you the new light codes here, and he handed me the bag, you are going to ground and balance the magnetic solar energy that’s coming into Gaia’s atmosphere currently.

He wants to open the case, they must be initiated in a sacred place, so we went to the chamber at St. Matts in meditation.
Sitting round a table, we were lowered into the chamber by M/F God and the other guides, the bag was opened, it contained 4 golden tubes, previously, in another dream I was instructed how to open them by breaking them in half whilst chanting the AUM.
We did this and five sets of four rays of light came out, the energy went down into the connected channel to the North Pole, Ibiza and Bermuda, creating a cradle shape underground, there were 20 light codes altogether that we layer on the cradle, this is another part of the cradle that we already created, they are to stay and hold the magnetic forces within that area as the ascension shift continues to grow and disrupt all the energies on Gaia.
It is set to hold and occupy this place until the poles reverse. This will happen in the distant future, you will hold this until you come home to us, then the energy will be set.

To date this is still proceeding along with the balance of myself with these energies in me, as these rays are transmuted, a state of relaxation befalls me quietly until the next cycle, the equinox when diamond light will flash across the planet.

After these dreams and light work Marne was sitting pondering on how much these earth healings had developed, they were more diverse to anything she had done before, and she wondered how much further she is to go with the idea of them.
What she did not know is there is a lot more to come.

Metatron was telling her…These waves have become coherent as one, the gyroscope has settled into the prime position over the North Pole and stabilised and spinning steadily.
This energy is absorbed by your soul self from all angles on the multi-Ds, it is being grounded into Gaia through your chakras so that we can direct it into Gaia for her final boost at THIS time.
We were not finished yet there was another section to this latest healing unit.

A week went by, with repeated dreams about squares and symbols, I drew them in my pad, there was more information of how they should be drawn precisely, all exactly the right size.
Clearly it showed a big square with smaller squares within it, Marne took a sheet of paper, creating a grid measuring 1”x 1’ squares, she was being told it must be exact in its measurements, there were 42 in all squares.

This is a structured table to help me work on with my next project, thought Marne, each part represents one part of the whole picture; it needs to be drawn.
Each square will hod a symbol, the first one will hold the AUM symbol, the second a four-flower pattern, then, the eye of Horus, this will start the sequence off, they are light letters.

Each section will hold a different symbol and when it is finished it will translate into the new code element from the multi-D world of Agatha, this data came into Marne’s mind as a thought.
In another dream Marne was given paperwork to do, her interpretation of this is, I need to research and find out the intrinsic meanings of the symbols, they are all in ancient texts and world religious books.

Getting confused Marne asked; “where am I going with this square box thing”?
Merlin replied, do the grid and fill it in, find out the meaning of the symbols you pick and set them out, you will design the whole grid with ta symbol in each square.
First research them online, find as many pictures as possible of spiritual symbols and look up their meanings then see which ones jumped out at you.
It was looking at these and the names of them that inspired me, the first three were to be God symbols, from that point I had to find symbols for the following words, God, light, spirit, love, ascension, mankind, flower of life, harmony, fire, water, air, earth, metal, wood, wind, then there is the last four, these were not found on the internet they came into my inner vision three times and I drew them, they are representing of the 5thD, 6thD, and the 12thD which is call renewal.

The inspiration was to set them out running from left to right and then going down to the next line and running right to left to the last one, this was how they were to be read.
Every element is part of the make-up of earth, spirit, and life, ending with rebirth.

After naming them I added colour, beginning with deep colours at the top and fading into very light colour at the bottom, this showed how the light becomes more refined on reading down the grid.
The next part was to draw math art circle and start to put the symbols into it, AUM went in the centre, then the other two go above and the other below the centre.
The next part was to be done intuitively and with feeling, adding the symbols that looked right in whatever place they seemed to want to be using a soft pencil and changing them if they did not FEEL right.
This was a feeling within my heart and solar plexus, if it was not right, my heart felt uncomfortable, I continually altering them until the energy within was happy it was literally done by feeling.
Finally, the image was a symmetrical pattern, and the words read in a way that covered every aspect of life, this is a sequence/pattern that has been given, that will create the sacred light code for the ascension of Gaia, they are multi-dimensional.
These dreams and instructions were all leading me to going to Ibiza in May, this time it is going to be in the window of the summer solstice, this gives me time to get used to the new energy field to allow this energetic expansion in all things, my inner voice is telling me how to know it and set up a platform to bring the new vibrations into the arena of Gaia, on ALL levels.

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