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I was meeting an old friend, Cathy, at an outdoor music festival on a bright summer’s day and she had brought her friend, Jenny, along. Whilst admiring the plants and the items made from natural woods on the stalls, I soon realised that Jenny was an amateur psycho-analyst (yawn, yawn) a matter I often find disconcerting when conducted by someone with no qualifications in the art-form. She also wanted to test her astrology skills on me and we launched into a guessing game and eventually she picked the right element for the constellation that was on the horizon during the month of my birth. Within a few minutes of discussion, Jenny was telling me I was thinking negative thoughts and must be positive because I said I thought it might rain. “Negative! Negative!” she aggressively uttered, “You’ll make it rain!” “How can I make it rain?” I asked, “By thinking of it!” she exclaimed. We hadn’t had any rain for some time and the ground was very parched, I think the plants needed a good downpour, so I continued to think about rain, much to Jenny’s rancour. After an afternoon of Jenny, I felt tired, judged and far from positive.
Though positive thinking is useful - in general, a good servant as such, as a sole means of thought, I think it is a bad master. We need reality in our lives or we will pay the cost of our illusions and self-deceptions.
I asked another friend for their opinion about the art of positive thinking and his opinion was similar to mine but he had no experience of the New Age and was a very balanced, worldly wise and intelligent person whose opinion I valued. Of course, we wish our children to not know the sad, bad and mad things that will present themselves in time, but as adults we must be aware that life is not as we wish it to be and we must come to terms with this and fight to make changes where we feel they are needed. Otherwise, we are not being responsible adults who are accountable for our world and make the necessary changes which will make the world a better place. The omissions of our life will be carried by the next generations.
Do leave your comments on your experiences of positive thinking. Have you made a mistake by not considering the negative side of a problem? Do you consider people who are checking your thoughts to be controlling?
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