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Ian Lawton
Interview with author and researcher Ian Lawton, hosted by Mark Chatterton for
In the interview with Mark Chatterton, Ian Lawton talks about his books and how he became a full time writer. He talks about his research into Reincarnation, Karma and Past Life Regression, which he has written about in his “Soul books”. He also talks about his latest book, “The Future of the Soul”, which deals with the whole concept of 2012, the expansion of consciousness and the whole future of the planet.
Ian Lawton, born in 1959, is the author of several spiritual books. He is also the architect of the notion of Rational Spirituality. After gaining a degree in Economics from University College, London and qualifying as a chartered accountant, he sold computer software for several years before, in the late eighties, helping to found a business and IT consultancy company.
In his mid-thirties he forsook the commercial world to become a writer-researcher specializing in ancient history, esoterica and spiritual philosophy. His first two books, Giza: The Truth and Genesis Unveiled (2003), have sold over 30,000 copies worldwide. In The Book of the Soul (2004) he first developed the idea of Rational Spirituality, also establishing himself as one of the world’s leading authorities on the interlife. And in The Wisdom of the Soul (2007) he first introduced the idea of the holographic soul.
His other books include The Little Book of the Soul (2007), The Big Book of the Soul (2008, a complete rewrite of the 2004 book), Your Holographic Soul (2010) and The Future of the Soul (2010). The next two books planned are and The History of the Soul (a revision of the 2003 book) and Autobiography of an Angel (a debut historical novel).
Ian has just completed the first stage of his training as a hypnotherapist, and has set up a practice at his home in Bournemouth. He also creates artwork using driftwood collected from local Dorset beaches.
You previously had a career in IT and accountancy. What made you turn your back on the 9 to 5 and become a writer?
Had you any religious background before all this?
Your first book, “Giza The Truth”, was on the Egyptian pyramids. What made you choose that as a subject for a book?
Did you get much reaction from the more traditional academics?
I understand that it sold over 20,000 copies. Not bad for a first book?
Could you tell us a little bit about your second book, “Genesis Unveiled”?
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Mark Chatterton
uld you say that you believe that was a place on Earth in the past called Atlantis?
So by now your views on spirituality had changed so much that you came up with the notion of “Rational Spirituality”?
What do you mean by this?
In your third book, “The Book of The Soul”, you argued the case for both reincarnation and karma. Would you say your own experiences of past life regression helped shaped your views?
You decided to publish this book yourself. I’m surprised that none of the big publishers were interested in publishing it?
Did you get any comeback from the academic world on the book of the soul?
By now you had established the idea of an afterlife through the evidence of past life regression, but you and the regressors went back even further to the notion of an interlife. This notion was discussed more fully your next book, “The Wisdom of the Soul”, Can you explain a little more about this concept?
What about the notion of the holographic soul?
You then decided to rewrite the Book of the Soul, bringing it out in a short version, “The Little Book of the Soul” and a much longer version, “The Big Book of the Soul”. What was your thinking behind this?
Now in 2010, you have just bought out the next book in the “Soul book” series, “The Future of the Soul”. Can you tell the listeners about his book?
Would you agree that this is a radical departure from your previous books, which were based on scientific observation of regressionists at work, whilst this latest book is based more on channelling?
What’s the reaction been like for “The Future of the Soul”?
What’s your take on the whole 2012 debate?
Finally, what’s next in pipeline from Ian Lawton?
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