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David Brittain
Apart from my mother who had to be there at the time, alone I entered the world and when I face the death of my physical body, alone I shall leave this world.
During the period between these two events I shall continue to be bombarded by the thoughts, ideas, opinions, rules and regulations, and man-made laws of other people. This is no different and applies to every human being that ever has and ever will exist on this planet.
In 1936 I was born left-handed into a world designed for a right-handed race. During world war two, at the English primary school I attended, the headmaster honestly believed that to enforce ambidexterity upon five year old yours truly could screw up my brain. Unwittingly that good man condemned me to a life of struggle as all things mechanical are designed for status-quo right-handed people, including can openers, piano keyboards, the stringing of banjos and guitars, tools, most garden gates, and also the mechanics of English hand-writing. Though a struggle I had to learn different ways of doing things and thinking about things that I wouldn’t have had to learn if I had been born right-handed, and also thinking and doing in ways mostly right-handed mankind would never experience.
Gratefully, when I was a youngster my parents taught me to believe in a loving God, but didn’t indoctrinate me into any religious belief system and so I now view with a jaundiced eye and as an outside observer all traditional dogma-bound religions. I reserve an even more jaundiced eye when observing the hierarchies of people who, even well into their dotage, traditionally organise and run these different religions. I hope that mostly these are lovely, kind people who honestly and sincerely believe in what they teach. Confusion enters the scene when an outsider tries to make sense of what is being taught because each belief system offers different names for, and versions and interpretations of our relationship to, our Creator; versions and interpretations mostly handed down and set in the inflexible concrete of tradition down the ages.
Each different belief system has it own holy book or books, and each holy book trots out a totally different set of instructions for the teachers to impart to the unquestioning followers. Most religions throughout the world appear to be founded on the belief that long ago our Creator spoke to a man, and then that man relayed what he received to other men who then handed the knowledge in written form down the generations of men. Ironically, although that ancient-times man must have been psychic to have been able to telepathically receive a non-physical God’s utterances, many teachers of religions since then condemn and regard with deep suspicion anyone who openly displays psychic abi

Yvonne Brittain
Why do I have a jaundiced eye in regard to the hierarchies of people who, even well into their dotage, traditionally organise and run these different religions?
Assuming that the ancient-times man was, just like we are, subject to the frailties of being human, he had to eat, drink, and sleep. He shivered when cold and perspired when hot, and like us he had his worries and self-doubts, his highs and lows. Apparently this man had no need for a hierarchy of priests to intercede with God for him because he was in direct contact with his Creator. So why do we need them to intercede for us, surely if God spoke to that man there’s no reason why God wouldn’t speak direct to each of us if we trained ourselves to listen?
What of the holy books? Mostly these are men’s interpretations of men’s interpretations of what was actually meant when God spoke to the ancient-times man. We have all played the party game sitting in a circle and passing a message from player to player. By the time the message has travelled the circle it returns to its sender as garbled nonsense. Now consider the countless times down the centuries the holy books have been copied, translated into different languages and even re-interpreted for political motives. Even the misplacing of a comma could alter the intended meaning of a sentence, and yet today’s followers of traditional religions are required to faithfully accept as God’s Word everything written in their holy books. So my objection is that the priests expect and encourage their followers to accept a passive audience role instead of teaching them meditation techniques to enable followers to link directly with their Creator. Instead, if today a man insisted that God spoke to him those same hierarchies of priests would no doubt ridicule him or demand that he prove his claim.
At the beginning of this article I mentioned about being alone when I entered the world and when I face the death of my physical body, alone I shall leave this world. During the period between these two events I shall continue to be bombarded by the religious belief systems, thoughts, ideas, opinions, rules and regulations, and man-made laws, of other people. This is no different and applies to every human being that ever has and ever will exist on this planet. Knowing this it is up to each human being to apply clear thought and discernment before choosing to believe anything contained in the bombardment. The alternative is to be led by the nose as a non-thinking member of a herd. But what do you think?
Love and Laughter from
David Brittain
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