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Claire Anstey is the founder and owner of The Wisdom Gym and Anstey International. Recently dubbed the next Louise Hay she likes to think of herself more as the pin up of positive thought due to her glamous 50s vintage style...
Here's her story
Claire Anstey was desperate to be famous, first a dancer, then a model and then a presenter – She was never happy doing any of them. She ate to much to make her feel loved, she drank to cope with the self hatred and used recreational drugs to make her happy. She was constantly chasing a dream, convinced that she would be content when she got to the end. She realised later that she couldn’t have been so wrong.
In 2008 Claire was involved with a pilot that was looking for actors and performers who were dissatisfied with their careers and fed up of struggling to make it. This was her introduction to techniques that improved her life, her thoughts and her emotions. The pilot didn’t go anywhere but Claire Anstey did. This new knowledge blew her away. She would stay up late reading and searching for more information, absorbing it all like a sponge. This stuff made her feel good enough and content for the first time in her life. What she read made her feel invincible. It caused her life to steer into a whole new direction, as she just knew she had to share it. Every rock star has a heart and Claire believes we all need to connect with it otherwise what’s the point. Anstey is now determined to inspire the world and share with them the knowledge that helped her change her own life and feel good about her self.
Since that moment Anstey has gone on to release her debut book and is about to release her second. She has launched a fashion & art range, created 2 Apps, launched The Wisdom Gym and most importantly she is happy
Discover who Claire Anstey
is and what Claire did to "Sort Out Her Crap Life"in her webinars as she teaches you a section of the exercises that enabled her to release the pain of her past, grow in confidence and become the fabulous happy business woman she is today.
Claire will also be sharing with you the teachers and philosophies that enabled her to change. The suicide of her childhood sweetheart, a love affair with a bigamist, emotional eating, personal hatred..the list goes on, its called life but unlike the majority Anstey stood up to it and over came it all through the information and teachers she discovered.
It is this knowledge, passion and teaching team that empowered her to create The Wisdom Gym. This "stuff"as she often calls it, changed her life and all of this has been created so that she can share 'it' and her own teachers with you all.
She can't wait to show you her work as you join her to kick some positive ass - And she really does mean it and say it. Anstey is not quite like anything the personal development scene has seen before.. Just check out the promo for her book below.. And just so you know she may not be like what you have experienced before but wow does she know how to get a message across.
Sort Out Your Crap Life by Claire Anstey is not your average motivational self help book. With Sex, drugs and random displays of honesty Claire Anstey has created something new.
It will never be on the book shelf of the regulars of the self help scene and thats the point.
This book is the voice of a new generation. A generation who have been lost for a long time but is now taking charge and changing their destiny.
Life is not all about fame, cocaine and facebook – For those looking for more this book is their saviour.
Discover all her work at
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