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I liked to think that I was an half full glass person rather than the term half empty. I have my ABC plan which I base all my trial and tribulations to. Nothing has ever come easy to me and to be honest I would be surprised now if it ever did. Does that stop me NO! Why because in my heart of hearts anything thing worth having is worth trying or fighting for.
If you are one of lives lucky ones and you find most things easy from Maths to Sports then I am happy for you that's great but deep down I am sure there are somethings you wont try for fear of failure or in case someone else may be better at it than you. That's when a fixed mind set creeps in we may unknowningly pass this on to others even our children. An example is perhaps when a child may have not got 10 out of 10 for spellings or times tables. we may have make and excuse and told them the teach misread the question there is more ways to spell a particular word. Some children who like to win all the time then struggle to challenge themselves because they cant deal with failure. Another approach could be better is to admit that coming second is ok and if they keep at it their time could become faster they will get stronger and also be a better sportsman.
I rarely get things right the first time but I keep at it especially if that task is something I really want. and if I run out of ABC then there are another 26 letters I can put a 1 after because numbers can go on for ever. Growth Mind Set by Carol Dweck thoughts can be found all over the internet and if you take the time to explore it just like I have then this encourages future generations to take on new challenges and help make the world to become more positive and if they first don't succeed try try again.
Thanks for listening Annielise
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