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An Open Letter To Virgo For January 2025
Dear Virgo,
How are you doing, my friend? The New Year is ushered in with a constructive Sun sextile Saturn aspect which suggests you are planning ahead for something special. This could relate to acknowledging - celebrating - a mile-stone event in either your own life or a community, national or ancestral achievement. However, if I’m correct there is an element of doubt in your mind. Indeed, you might have been mulling over the wisdom of such an undertaking again and again in your mind. Perhaps this is to do with the equitable distribution of “scarce resources” in the widest and most panoramic sense of the phrase: that is to say; time; savings; agricultural land; houses; industrial workshops; boats or dwelling places etc. This is not an easy decision to make. Perhaps you have even lost a little sleep over it.
Would I be correct if I were to characterise your plans as something of a calculated risk? What is at stake could impact somebody who you are loath to offend or disappoint. Indeed, this “third party” may be a significant beneficiary or the sole object of the entire exercise. Consequently, it goes without saying that I hope everything unfolds as you desire.
Moving on: Mars forms a potentially testing aspect to both the Moon and secretive Pluto. Now, perhaps I’m trying to extrapolate too much information from the astrological symbolism available to me, but I would expect someone's health; diet or lack of cooking skills to be of possible concern. Are you watching someone you care about piling on the pounds, eating all the wrong stuff, drinking and smoking to excess or experimenting with gateway substances? I can understand your concern. Alternatively, on a more conventional level: are you planning a new kitchen or bathroom and having problems with the plumbing? Has someone destroyed a valuable piece of domestic equipment or blocked the toilet? Whatever it is, I wish you well and hope you can find a competent expert to repair the damage.
Mercury in Sagittarius opposition Jupiter in Gemini evokes an image of intellectual discord; scam communications; traumatic travel experiences or perhaps the kids accessing something inappropriate on their phones. In addition: the same astrological configurations may indicate communications with students; solicitors or perhaps a distant Aunt or Uncle. Additionally, international travel and all means of communication are associated with Mercury and Jupiter. It could also mean you are about to enter a period of intense study and preoccupation with small details or finding your way through a convoluted web of information centred on your domestic environment; family history; medical records; financial bequests or contested inheritances.
Indeed, this emphasis on miniscule detail and “enquiry” might lead to conversations with strangers or departing from the “straight and narrow” in a locational, moral or ethical way. You might feel this is a personal challenge to your ingenuity and perseverance. However, because it might relate to sequential events of daily life and the welfare of close friends, you want to explore its implications until you solve them or concede defeat knowing you have tried your very best. In short: it's not a time to walk around the periphery or outer circumference of any issues but an attempt to get to the very heart of things.
In the second week of January things are looking way less stressful and an air of tranquillity seems to prevail. Sudden breaks with routine give way to smooth transitions and pleasant surprises. Mars in the house of secrets trine Neptune in the house of hidden opponents appears to suggest that you know something about someone which gives you the upper hand in any forthcoming communications. Indeed, somebody may be prepared to “tip-toe” around some controversial subject and may even “exit stage left”, with their tail between their legs. The dust will soon settle and all begins to return to normal.
Moreover, some long anticipated changes unfold and although they might not directly involve you in an emotional or financial way, they nevertheless build up your self-esteem and boost your self-confidence. Perhaps this is the first stage of a multi dimensional development you have long pondered or conspired to promote.
Turning to the third week of January love, romance and an element of secrecy seem to combine. Could a blind date be on the agenda for you? Ask yourself if any of your family or friends have shown a growing interest in how you spend your free time. If they are of a nurturing and caring disposition they may imagine - either rightly or wrongly - that you are lonely and need a soulmate. As a consequence, and motivated by the most noble intentions, they may try to get you hitched-up, so to speak.
Mercury sextile Venus suggests “love on the move”. Now, you know your daily routine better than I. Consequently, I want to pick your brains, so to speak. How would you make sense of the above 4 keywords (“love on the move”)? Perhaps you frequently use public transport going to and from work or does your work - itself - introduce you to numerous potentially dateable people. I challenge you to be your own Astrologer and solve the riddle. If you are single this might be food for thought. Coversly, if you are married it might get you into trouble. Best not bother. Forget I ever asked!!
Incidentally, if the phrase “blind date" seems like an anachronism in this digital age, allow me to respectfully inform you that Venus (Love) is conjunct Saturn (Old Age) in the Seventh House (marriage/partnerships). Now to me that suggests that numerous Virgos who are - how can I discreetly put it - no longer teenagers, might be on the threshold of a very meaningful romance. Mars (sexual libido) sextile Neptune (aspirations and secret desires) in the Seventh House is yet another indicator suggesting a resurgence of youthful vigour reigniting the passions of those old enough to remember buying vinyl records over the counter in busy high street shops and paying for them in pre-decimal currency.
The final week of January offers a potential crumb of comfort to business people struggling to swim upstream, but having their every commercial initiative invalidated by the unprincipled machination of some giant financial conglomerate, whose actions are constrained by neither financial constraints nor legal inhibitions. The good news is that Venus simultaneously forms a highly auspicious aspect to both Mars and Uranus. While the Sun and Pluto simultaneously introduce an element of subterfuge and secrecy into the astrological mix. Now I’m not a gambling man but if you were David about to go head to head with Goliath I’d consider putting a small wager on you!!
Away from the gladiatorial arena of fiscal combat ordinary Virgos are going to be assisted by the same astrological synchronicities manifesting in ways appropriate to their individual circumstances. Consequently, the majority of my readers will be able to go about their daily affairs with growing confidence because, for you too, things might get better and better. Endeavour to stay cheerful and keep looking on the bright side. Life is worth all the struggle and new horizons await you. You are on the up and up: dare to dream big.
Finally, let me take my leave by asking you to take care of yourselves, and be kind to one another. Remember the hidden super-power possessed by each and every one of you: the power to either give or withhold love; compassion and forgiveness. Generously share these three gifts with all those who surround you; and you will begin to heal the world one broken heart at a time.
So, until I write again: “God Bless and protect”.
“Happy New Year!”
Your sincerely,
Guy Doleman: Astrologer
PS All dates are approximate.
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